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Minimum Viable Podcast #27: Creating better cities

Slavo Oslej from Bratislava City: "Service design is not just about experience but also about efficiency."

Offboarding: How to end your customer’s journey meaningfully

In today's world, businesses focus on glamorous onboardings but neglect proper endings. The concept of "endineering" explains why offboarding should be equally engaging.

5 principles of service design for easier service creation

Improving existing and creating new services is a natural progress in any company's growth. The process becomes easier when you apply the 5 principles of service design into practice.

Minimum Viable Podcast #26: Innovations in retail

Lukáš Němčík from COOP Group: "Thanks to click & collect, we create village hypermarkets."

UX writing: How to make digital bureaucracy understandable

Administrative jargon hinders institutions from connecting with customers. Here’s what working for government and international institutions taught us about UX copy in expert settings.

Discovery Backlog: How to seek opportunities for better customer experience

Ideas for enhancing customer experience don't fall from the sky. Luckily, there are techniques to help you build a repository of relevant opportunities ready for validation.

Minimum Viable Podcast #24: From designer to investor

Michal Šimkovič alias Musho: “I've never put a box around what is my job and what isn't. I do whatever is needed. There's no such thing as a small task."

Desirability: Why usability testing ≠ good product

To make sure that a new service will be successful, you should start by trying to answer a simple question: "Will my target customer want to use and pay for this service?"

CX and Metrics: How to measure the ROI of a good customer experience

Want to launch a new CX initiative, but your superiors want to see a financial benefit? Set up metrics to show leadership that a better customer experience can actually earn them money.

Minimum Viable Podcast #23: CX in logistics

Alexander Jančo from Packeta: "Everyone claims to be customer-oriented, but that isn't enough for me. We want to be customer-obsessed."

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